LES-bplume provided numerous sets of Eulerian data for Temperature and Velocities in .csv format (UVW and T). Data corresponds to the Pure Thermal Plumes simulated in Large Eddy Simulation framework of Weather Research and Forecast model v 4.0. Flow axial direction is z-axis (+ve up), Radial directions are X- and Y-axis. The source diameter D = 400 meters located at the center of the domain bottom boundary.
Boundary conditions:
Bottom boundary - specified heat-flux
Top boundary - pressure top
Lateral boundaries - periodic
Eulerian details:
Domain size for Eulerian data: nx * ny *nz * nt = 45*45*700*500
Grid size:
dx = 40m​​
dy = 40m
dz = 10m
dt = 10s
- Center-line is at grid point (i,j) = (23,23) in Matlab or (22, 22) in python.
Initial Conditions for all cases are same: No winds and No stratification.
Output provided at every 10 seconds, i.e. for 90 mins of simulation done 541 time-steps are recorded, first time-step is initial forcing should be ignored for processing.