LESpblume Python Package: This python library package is include with the LES-bplume data to help processing and generating visualizations for the data set.
This python package was created by Jupyterlab included in Anaconda program. In the package, there is an Examples.ipynb file that provided all the example for all the functions in the LESplume package. All files in the Python package need to be in the same folder.
Import LESbplume as lp
.loadmat(filename): load .mat file

.plumehalfgraph (dataw,datat,threshold,dx,dy,dz,D,name): creating 2D plume hafl graph of the data set using w-velocity and temperature data which can be use to create a quick overview of the plume data.
dataw,datat:(4D float array) the data of w-velocity and temperature that imported using import function.
threshold:(float) should be 1/np.exp(1)
dx,dy,dz:(int) the actual distance between each point. Grid size: dx,dy = 40 meters, dz = 10 meters.
D:(int or float) diameter of the center circle that released that gas in the center.

.omega (datau,datav,dataw,dx,dy,dz): calculated the omega vortex criterion returning a 4D array with the same shape as data input. Estimated calculated 8 minutes for 500 time steps.
datau,datav,dataw:(4D float array) the data of uvw-velocity data that imported using import function.
dx,dy,dz:(int) the actual distance between each point. Grid size: dx,dy = 40 meters, dz = 10 meters.
.lambda2 (datau,datav,dataw,dx,dy,dz): calculated the lambda2 vortex criterion returning a 4D array with the same shape as data input. Estimated calculated 180 minutes for 500 time steps.
datau,datav,dataw:(4D float array) the data of uvw-velocity data that imported using import function.
dx,dy,dz:(int) the actual distance between each point. Grid size: dx,dy = 40 meters, dz = 10 meters.
.savecsv (data,filename): saving the 4D array data into a .csv file to be used later on. Usually used to save calculated array like omega or lambda2 data set.
data:(4D float array) the calculated data.
filename:(string) name of the saved file.
.loadcsv(filename,nx,ny,nz): load regular .csv file
start: first time step
end: last time step
nx,ny,nz: dimensions of the data

.savemat (data,filename): saving the 4D array data into a .mat file to be used later on for matlab. Usually used to save calculated array like omega or lambda2 data set.
data:(4D float array) the calculated data.
filename:(string) name of the saved file.
.Isosurface (data,isovalue,name,frame,dpi,frame,angle,dx,dy,dz,D): creating a 3D isosurface of the data set in a folder with pictures of all the time step.
data:(4D float array) the calculated data like Lambda2 or Omega.
isovalue:(float) the value for isosurface. For lambda2, the isovalue is around -np.exp(-9). For omega criterion, the isovalue is around 0.52.
name:(string) name of the data.
frame:(int) the number of time step in between isosurface will skip. The larger the number the less time step isosurface would be generated.
dpi:(int) the resolution of the picture, the higher the larger the isosurface picture files. It should be around 50.
angle:(int) the viewing angle of the isosurface.
dx,dy,dz:(int) the actual distance between each point. Grid size: dx,dy = 40 meters, dz = 10 meters.
D:(int or float) diameter of the center circle that released that gas in the center.

.Isosurface_timestep (data,timestep,isovalue,name,dpi,frame,dx,dy,dz,D): creating 3D isosurface of a 360 view of a single specific time step of that data.
data:(4D float array) the calculated data like Lambda2 or Omega.
timestep:(int) the time step that need to be studied
isovalue:(float) the value for isosurface. For lambda2, the isovalue is around -np.exp(-9). For omega criterion, the isovalue is around 0.52.
name:(string) name of the data.
frame:(int) the number of time step in between isosurface will skip. The larger the number the less time step isosurface would be generated.
dpi:(int) the resolution of the picture, the higher the larger the isosurface picture files. It should be around 50.
dx,dy,dz:(int) the actual distance between each point. Grid size: dx,dy = 40 meters, dz = 10 meters.
D:(int or float) diameter of the center circle that released that gas in the center.

.helicity (datau,datav,dataw,dx,dy,dz): calculated the helicity vortex criterion returning a 4D array with the same shape as data input. Estimated calculated 8 minutes for 500 time steps.
datau,datav,dataw:(4D float array) the data of uvw-velocity data that imported using import function.
dx,dy,dz:(int) the actual distance between each point. Grid size: dx,dy = 40 meters, dz = 10 meters.